Poor Quality Regrind = Poor Financial Return : Here are some common problems for internal recycling programs that end up wasting time, money, and material:
- Lack of Ownership – Recycling programs can not succeed if they are an “afterthought”, a low priority and low visibility activity, or lacking management commitment to ensure its success.
- Generic Equipment / Process – A recycling process that consists of just grinding scrap and feeding it back into your production process will cause product quality to suffer since it fails to address a number of critical problem areas.
- Untrained Personnel – It’s simply not cost-effective to take skilled production personnel and have them do some recycling in their spare time. Not only are their skills not being utilized properly, but they won’t have the necessary training to address the kinds of problems that must be resolved for the recycling program to be successful.
- Cross-Contamination – Generic equipment used to recycle multiple types of scrap may not be completely cleaned out, leading to cross-contamination and quality problems.
- Everything Thrown into Grinder – Purge, startup, and otherwise questionable parts should be discarded, but may inadvertently get granulated with good parts, ruining the entire lot.
- Dusty Regrind = Headaches and Rejects – Grinding creates dust, fines, and bits of smeared film. These particles drift and settle everywhere. Static charge makes them difficult to remove. Their presence in the regrind results in equipment cleanout headaches, but more importantly, they degrade rapidly upon heating and cause black specks in your product.
- Maintenance and Spare Parts – Granulators require constant maintenance to run well. Dull or damaged blades, erosion in conveying equipment, and lack of spare parts on-site can prevent your recycling program from running well.
Benefit from PolyClean’s Knowledge and Experience – Let us handle the details and deal with the hassles. We will pay rigorous attention to your materials at ALL STAGES of the process, solving issues as soon as they are encountered, in order to achieve maximum final product quality.
- Services Designed for Costly, Small Volume Special Materials – Flexible equipment configurations and service options allow us to quickly configure a process specific to your needs. Thorough disassembly and cleanout of all equipment guarantees that there will not be any cross-contamination.
- Detailed Inspection – Every part is inspected PRIOR to grinding. Foreign materials are rejected, problem parts are quarantined for further effort.
- Shredding and Grinding – Particle size reduction to your specification, followed by aspiration to remove dust and fines which are a niusance during material handling, and which can be a source of black specks and degradation if not removed.
- High Purity Cleaning – Removes remaining surface residues, dust, fines, metal, and other foreign materials from your regrind.
- Repelletizing – Cleaned regrind can be repelletized into a standard size pellet more suitable for blending with virgin material. Consistent-sized pellets allow more consistent molding compared to regrind.
- Communication – Report submitted to customer for each production run, detailing incoming and outgoing weights, processing yields, problems encountered and solutions applied.
There are a number of finer details not mentioned above that are an integral part of our SOP (standard operating procedure), with everything geared to providing you with the highest quality regrind and repelletized materials possible, and peace of mind that your valuable materials are handled with utmost care.